Best SEO Courses in Bangalore. DigitalValueAdd will makes you learn how the advanced concepts of SEO will helps you to step into the industry or businesses. You know your business needs to deal with itself, but you don’t want to be the only one person responsible for this task.
When most people think about SEO, they assume it to be difficult, complex, and time consuming, but it doesn’t have to be any of those things.
In fact, we can learn SEO in 10 simple steps for Beginners to get started. All you need to do is lean in, listen, and apply the information you are given. While no two businesses operate in the same way, SEO is flexible enough to accommodate any need, desire, or shortcoming. So, trying to get your site as high as possible on Google and Bing SEPR to take your business to the next level!!
- Writing the right page titles
Each page on your website will display a page title in Google results. Google displays your website, if finds your Meta tag Title text relevant for the search query(Ex: Best SEO Courses in Bangalore). On some occasions Google will reject your title and it will construct a new title from other pieces of text from the page.
- Get found and then clicked with Meta-description:
On the Google search results page a small snippet gives some information about the result. Google decides what to display in this section, but still you can suggestion Google by using the meta-description tag in your HTML.
Clear description is important because once you get listed on the search engine results page (SERP), your user should be convinced that your result is better than the ones above and, most certainly, those below you. Though a Google claim does not use meta-description for ranking, a well written description will help you explain the contents of a page to the reader.
- Use of H1 tags
‘H1’ is the headline visible on the page and is given as <h1> in HTML. Difference between H1 and meta-title is that the H1 headline(Ex: Best SEO Courses in Bangalore) is seen on the page, but not on the Google results page, while a meta-title is visible only on the search results.
Both should be logically related, as meta-title is like a promise, which the headline and the rest of the page fulfil. In most of the cases it makes sense to have the same H1 as your page-title, which is just fine, though you are also missing out on an opportunity to diversify your SEO-keywords.
- Getting links from trusted websites
Hyperlinks are as old as the Internet itself. Google’s existence is based on links and it is still an important factor in getting a good ranking results. It works perfectly well if the links come from highly trusted sources, such as Wikipedia.
If your content is valuable for people, there is nothing wrong with contacting relevant influential blogs or websites intimating them about linking to your content. However, stay away from link-trading or pay-for-links schemes, as Google will penalize (punish) your website.
- Interlinking pages on your own website
Your website structure can grow like content-tumor with information piling up in corners. Navigation to every valuable section of your website by a user should be convenient. Travel through your website by Google can only be possible by following the links. Pages having more incoming links are more important.
- Use 301 redirects for linking you Domain aliases
301 is geek-talk that tells your server to redirect a request to a different page. This is used to make direct to See the difference -It doesn’t matter choosing either of them. The really important thing is, that they both will work and one redirects to the other. Try it out for your own website in your browser without fear and give yourself a pat on the back.
- Include keywords in anchor texts for the hyperlinks
“Anchor” texts are the visible words that are used for the links itself for your Keywords (Ex: Best SEO Courses in Bangalore).
- Give ‘Alt’ tags for images
A picture is worth of a thousand words. From a search engines point of view, this is plain wrong! Perhaps in ten year time it will be, but in 2014 Google still prefers words to any image.
Tagging your website’s images gives you a chance to explain to Google what the images are all about. Depending on the topic of the website, this may bring your visitors through Google image search!
- Use Google Authorship – update
Google removes the author images from the search results. However, the results will still be shown as the author’s name.Google authorship takes a few steps and in the end it is up to Google if they will show your pretty picture name or not.
- Polish your content
If you have some time, spend it on wonderful content. Great content makes the Internet go around. Find out what your audience is interested for, spend some time studying the subject and write about it!
If you have questions to ask on SEO(Search Engine Optimization) ! Click on the topics below to find out more from the direct website of DigitalValueAdd.
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